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Topic outline

  • How to join the Interactive Live Session?

    Once you've entered the required information, click on the link below (visible after registration) & "Join" or "Enter" button. This will take you to the virtual meeting room. "Join Session" button will appear when session starts. 

  • Module 1: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

    1. What is Artificial Intelligence?
    2. History and Definitions of Artificial Intelligence
    3. Its applications
    4. Machine Learning, its types and applications
    5. Hands-on Activity
    6. Big Ideas & Important Concerns Related to AI/ML
    7. Open Questions in AI/ML

  • Module 2: Basics of Artificial Intelligence for All

    1. Intro to Basic Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    2. What is AI?
    3. AI Roadmap for 2023
    4. Types of AI
    5. Top Ten AI applications
    6. Future of AI
    7. What is Machine Learning (ML)?
    8. Types of ML
    9. Linear Regression Analysis
    10. Classification in ML
    11. Top 10 AI Tools
    12. Top 10 AI Robots
    13. Top 10 AI Project Ideas
    14. Career Opportunities in AI

  • Module 3: Advanced Artificial Intelligence

    1. Stages of AI 

     a. Rule Based 

     b. Context Awareness & Retention Systems 

     c. Domain Specific Mastery Systems 

     d. Thinking and Reasoning AI Systems 

     e. Artificial General Intelligence 

     f. Artificial Super Intelligence 

     g. AI Singularity 

    2. Advance AI Platforms and application

    a. Practical/Lab Exercises

    b. Applications 

    3. Trending Research Areas 

    4. Questions/Answers