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Topic outline

  • How to join the Interactive Live Session?

    Once you've entered the required information, click on the link below (visible after registration) & "Join" or "Enter" button. This will take you to the virtual meeting room. "Join Session" button will appear when session starts. 

  • Module 1: Introduction to JavaScript

    - History and evolution of JavaScript

    - Features and advantages

    - JavaScript vs other programming languages

  • Module 2: Basic JavaScript Concepts

    - Variables, data types, and operators

    - Control structures (if-else, switch, loops)

    - Functions and methods

    - Arrays and collections

  • Module: 03: JavaScript Syntax and Semantics

    - JavaScript syntax and syntax rules

    - Variable declarations and initialization

    - Operators and expressions

    - Control flow statements

  • Module 04: JavaScript Objects and Classes

    - Creating and manipulating objects

    - Object properties and methods

    - Constructors and prototypes

    - Inheritance and polymorphism

  • Module 05: JavaScript DOM and Events

    - Document Object Model (DOM)

    - Event listeners and handlers

    - DOM manipulation and traversal

    - Event propagation and bubbling

  • Module 06: JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks

    - Introduction to jQuery and other libraries

    - Using libraries for DOM manipulation and events

    - Building applications with React, Angular, and Vue

  • Module 07: Advanced JavaScript Topics

    - Closures and higher-order functions

    - Prototype chain and inheritance

    - Async programming and callbacks

    - JavaScript security and best practices

  • Module 08: JavaScript Tools and Development

    - Debugging techniques and tools (console, debugger)

    - Version control systems (Git, SVN)

    - Build tools and automation (Webpack, Gulp)

    - Code editors and IDEs (Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ)

  • Module 09: Project Development and Deployment

    - Building a complete JavaScript project

    - Creating web applications and single-page applications

    - Deploying applications to servers and cloud platforms