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Topic outline

  • How to join the Interactive Live Session?

    Once you've entered the required information, click on the link below (visible after registration) & "Join" or "Enter" button. This will take you to the virtual meeting room. "Join Session" button will appear when session starts. 

  • Module 1: Introduction to Python

    - History and evolution of Python

    - Features and advantages

    - Basic syntax and data types (strings, numbers, booleans)

    - Variables, operators, and control structures (if/else, for loops)

    - Functions and modules

  • Module 2: Data Structures

    - Lists ( indexing, slicing, append, sort)

    - Tuples

    - Dictionaries (key-value pairs, dictionary methods)

    - Sets (union, intersection, difference)

    - Data structure operations (concat, split, join)

  • Module 3: File Input/Output

    - Reading and writing text files (open, read, write, close)

    - Reading and writing CSV files (csv module)

    - Reading and writing JSON files (json module)

    - File input/output best practices

  • Module 4: Object-Oriented Programming

    - Classes and objects (attributes, methods, init)

    - Inheritance (single and multiple inheritance)

    - Polymorphism (method overriding, method overloading)

    - Encapsulation and abstraction

  • Module 5: Data Analysis and Visualization

    - Introduction to Pandas (data frames, series)

    - Data manipulation and analysis (filter, groupby, merge)

    - Data visualization (Matplotlib, Seaborn)

    - Data analysis best practices

  • Module 6: Web Development

    - Introduction to Flask or Django

    - Building web applications (routes, templates, databases)

    - Web development best practices

  • Module 7: Advanced Topics

    - Decorators

    - Generators and iterators

    - Async/await (asynchronous programming)

    - Lambda functions and map-reduce

  • Module 8: Project Development

    - Building a full-stack project (web scraper, game, chatbot)

    - Project planning and management

    - Debugging and testing

  • Module 9: Additional Topics

    - Error handling and debugging

    - Testing and automation (unittest, pytest)

    - Best practices and coding standards

    - Advanced libraries and frameworks ( NumPy, SciPy, Scikit-learn)