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Topic outline

  • How to join the Interactive Live Session?

    Once you've entered the required information, click on the link below (visible after registration) & "Join" or "Enter" button. This will take you to the virtual meeting room. "Join Session" button will appear when session starts. 

  • Module 1: Understanding Content Writing Basics

    Lesson 1: What is Content Writing?

    Definition and importance
    Types of content (blog posts, articles, web content, etc.)

    Lesson 2: The Role of Content in Digital Marketing

    SEO and content writing
    Content marketing strategies

  • Module 2: Developing Writing Skills

    Lesson 1: Writing Fundamentals

    Grammar, punctuation, and syntax

    Style and tone in writing

    Lesson 2: Crafting Compelling Headlines

    Importance of headlines

    Techniques for creating attention-grabbing headlines

  • Module 3: Understanding Your Audience

    Lesson 1: Identifying Target Audience

    Creating audience personas

    Tailoring content to different demographics

    Lesson 2: Writing for Different Platforms

    Web content writing

    Social media content writing

  • Module 4: Research and Information Gathering

    Lesson 1: Effective Research Techniques

    Online and offline sources

    Fact-checking and credibility

    Lesson 2: Organizing Information

    Creating outlines

    Building a logical flow in writing

  • Module 5: SEO Basics for Content Writers

    Lesson 1: Introduction to SEO

    Keywords and their importance

    On-page and off-page SEO

    Lesson 2: Integrating SEO into Content

    Writing SEO-friendly content

    Understanding search engine algorithms

  • Module 6: Blogging and Article Writing

    Lesson 1: Introduction to Blogging

    Blogging formats and styles

    Building a blog post structure

    Lesson 2: Crafting Engaging Articles

    Article structure and elements

    Creating content that resonates with readers

  • Module 7: Editing and Proofreading

    Lesson 1: Importance of Editing

    Editing vs. proofreading

    Common editing techniques

    Lesson 2: Self-Editing Strategies

    Developing a critical eye

    Using editing tools and software

  • Module 8: Freelancing and Professional Development

    Lesson 1: Freelance Writing Opportunities

    Platforms for freelancers

    Building a freelance writing portfolio

    Lesson 2: Career Development in Content Writing

    Networking and building connections

    Staying updated on industry trends

  • Module 9: Ethics and Best Practices in Content Writing

    Lesson 1: Plagiarism and Attribution

    Understanding and avoiding plagiarism

    Proper attribution of sources

    Lesson 2: Writing with Integrity

    Ethical considerations in content creation

    Building a trustworthy online presence

  • Module 10: Final Project and Portfolio Building

    Apply the learned concepts to create a piece of content (blog post, article, etc.).

    Develop a portfolio showcasing various writing samples.

    Receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.