Furthermore, we use third party code, libraries, SDKs or other software content and tools for the functionality of our Apps. This policy does not apply to the practices of those companies as we do not own or control (including, without limitation, the third-party content providers from whom you may receive content through the App), or to individuals that we do not employ or manage. For this purpose, you should refer to those companies’ privacy policy statement.
Moreover, any personal information if obtained/stored within the operational scope of the installed App and game will be deleted and erased from the device permanently on un-installation of the App by the user to safeguard his/her privacy and it’s NO record is held anywhere for any reason.
While we make its best effort to safeguard the personal information mentioned above while stored on the device or in use by the App and Game within its defined/ declared scope, Khastech Solution will not be responsible for any loss of information or data or any consequential loss/damage thereof due to any reason including malfunction of the host device or other malicious code or Apps and Games belonging to any third party, running on it.
Please exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.
If you have any questions about our policy or regarding the matter of how we collect data or process your personal information or anything else related to our privacy policy practices, you may contact us at support@iqrasity.org. We would like to hear from you about them.
This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. When updated the "Effective date" will be amended and the new Privacy Policy will be posted online.