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Topic outline

  • How to join the Interactive Live Session?

  • Module 1: Introduction to curser

      · To understand the basic concepts related to ECG leads, ECG paper and components of ECG

  • Module 2: Keyword Research and Analysis

    · Rate calculation

    Different methods of calculating heart rate

    1. Sequence Method

    2. Large box method

    3. 6-second method

    · Rhythm Analysis

    Recognize basic Normal rhythm and recognize basic arrhythmia and their interpretation

    · Axis

    Need for identifying the Axis

    Different cardiac axis and their recognition

    · Myocardial Infarction

    ECG patterns of ischemia, injury, and


    What & Where to look for AMI

    Reciprocal changes associated with AMI

    Importance of R wave progression in chest leads

  • Module 3

  • Topic 4