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Topic outline

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  • Module 1: Introduction to Java

    - History and evolution of Java

    - Features and advantages

    - Basic syntax and data types (primitive types, operators)

    - Variables, control structures (if/else, switch, loops)

    - Functions (methods) and modules (classes)

  • Module 2: Object-Oriented Programming

    - Classes and objects (attributes, methods, constructors)

    - Inheritance (single and multiple inheritance)

    - Polymorphism (method overriding, method overloading)

    - Encapsulation and abstraction

    - Abstract classes and interfaces

  • Module 3: Data Types and Operators

    - Primitive types (int, double, char, boolean)

    - Reference types (String, Arrays, ArrayList)

    - Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment)

    - Control structures (if/else, switch, loops)

  • Module 4: Methods and Functions

    - Method declarations and calls

    - Method overloading and overriding

    - Functional programming (lambda expressions, method references)

    - Exception handling (try-catch, throw)

  • Module 5: Data Structures and Collections

    - Arrays and ArrayList

    - LinkedList and HashSet

    - TreeSet and TreeMap

    - Collection interfaces (Iterable, Collection, List)

  • Module 6: File Input/Output and Persistence

    - Reading and writing text files (BufferedReader, BufferedWriter)

    - Reading and writing object files (Serialization)

    - Database connectivity (JDBC)

    - File input/output best practices

  • Module 7: Multithreading and Concurrency

    - Thread creation and management

    - Synchronization (locks, semaphores)

    - Deadlocks and starvation

    - Concurrent collections and interfaces

  • Module 8: Advanced Topics

    - Generics and wildcards

    - Annotations and reflection

    - Lambda expressions and functional programming

    - Java 8 features (Stream API, functional programming)

  • Module 9: Web Development

    - Introduction to Servlet and JSP

    - Building web applications (MVC pattern)

    - Web development best practices

  • Module 10: Project Development

    - Building a full-stack project (console, web, or mobile)

    - Project planning and management

    - Debugging and testing

  • Module 11: Additional Topics

    - Error handling and debugging

    - Testing and automation (JUnit, TestNG)

    - Best practices and coding standards

    - Advanced libraries and frameworks (Spring, Hibernate)