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Topic outline

  • How to join the Interactive Live Session?

    Once you've entered the required information, click on the link below (visible after registration) & "Join" or "Enter" button. This will take you to the virtual meeting room. "Join Session" button will appear when session starts. 

  • Module 1: Introduction to WhatsApp Marketing

    • Understanding the basics of WhatsApp Marketing
    • Exploring the potential of WhatsApp for business
    • Ethics and regulations in WhatsApp Marketing
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 2: Setting Up WhatsApp Business Account

    • Creating a WhatsApp Business Account
    • Configuring business settings and profile
    • Understanding the messaging tools and features
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 3: Building Your WhatsApp Audience

    • Strategies for growing your WhatsApp contact list
    • Creating engaging content for your audience
    • Managing opt-ins and permissions effectively
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 4: Crafting Effective WhatsApp Messages

    • Understanding the anatomy of a successful WhatsApp message
    • Writing compelling copy for WhatsApp Marketing
    • Using multimedia (images, videos, GIFs) in WhatsApp messages
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 5: Leveraging WhatsApp Groups

    • Creating and managing WhatsApp groups for marketing
    • Engaging group members and fostering community
    • Best practices for promoting within WhatsApp groups
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 6: WhatsApp Broadcasts & Automation

    • Utilizing WhatsApp Broadcast Lists for mass messaging
    • Introduction to automation tools for WhatsApp Marketing
    • Designing automated workflows and sequences
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 7: Mid Term Exam

  • Module 8: Personalization and Targeting

    •  Importance of personalization in WhatsApp Marketing
    • Segmenting your audience for targeted messaging
    • Dynamic content and personalized offers
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 9: Analyzing WhatsApp Marketing Metrics

    • Key metrics to track in WhatsApp Marketing
    • Using WhatsApp Business API for advanced analytics
    • Interpreting data and optimizing your strategy
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 10: Integrating WhatsApp with other Marketing Channels

    • Cross-promotion strategies with other social media platforms
    • Incorporating WhatsApp into your email marketing campaigns
    • Integrating WhatsApp with your website and landing pages
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 11: Advanced WhatsApp Marketing Techniques

    • Running contests, giveaways, and promotions on WhatsApp
    • Implementing referral programs and viral marketing tactics
    • Exploring chatbots and AI in WhatsApp Marketing
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 12: Compliance and Legal Considerations

    • Understanding GDPR and other data protection laws
    • Ensuring compliance with WhatsApp's policies and guidelines
    • Handling customer inquiries and complaints professionally
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 13: Strategy Development and Final Project

    • Crafting a comprehensive WhatsApp Marketing strategy
    • Developing a final project incorporating course learnings
    • Presenting final projects and course wrap-up
    • Lab work, assignment & quiz

  • Module 14: Final Exam